Home Other Mitchell Kolinsky – Farmer Wants a Wife

Mitchell Kolinsky – Farmer Wants a Wife


by Lani Reeves – photo by Mark Hill (FOX)

Season Two of “Farmer Wants a Wife,” the most successful dating show in the world, recently concluded on FOX. Hosted by superstar entertainer and Grammy Award winner Jennifer Nettles, the season followed four farmers in search of lasting love. 

The new crop of farmers—Ty Ferrell, Mitchell Kolinsky, Brandon Rogers, and Nathan Smothers—hosted a group of single women who left behind city life for the charms and challenges of country living in their pursuit of genuine love. 

With diverse backgrounds in cattle ranching, citrus, potato and barley farming, horse training, and more, the season promised an in-depth look at the pursuit of genuine love as each farmer and their group of hopeful singles mutually selected one another before the women were invited to experience life on their respective farms. 

The show depicted the women immersing themselves in the realities of farm life, and the challenges and joys that come with it. One of the farmers, Mitchell Kolinsky, a first-generation farmer from Mount Juliet, Tennessee, found love with Sydney Errera. Their connection was made before they even met, and they are now looking forward to a future together.  We had a chance to find out a little more about Mitchell and his connection with Sydney.

Q. From the farm to reality TV, how did you find out about and what made you want to be part of Farmer Wants a Wife?

A. I got DM’ed on Instagram, and I just thought that it was an amazing opportunity, and learned that it might be a true chance at love, so I wanted to try it.

Q. Is this the wildest thing you’ve done to find love? How was your experience? 

A. 100% – this is definitely the wildest thing I’ve done to find love. It was a very pleasant experience because I felt like I was fortunate with the girls that I had, so it made it a good time.

Q. Now that we know Sydney is the lucky girl, what does a dream date with her look like?

A. Probably hanging out in a truck bed, watching the sun set.

Q. At what point did you know Sydney was the one you would choose?

A. I knew the very first time I saw her picture. 

Q. What do you prefer to hunt/fish and do you have a favorite memory?

A. I prefer hunting ducks. When I was nine years old, it was my first time with my grandfather duck hunting in Arkansas. It was just very memorable and instilled that passion in me, and now I go there every year, about 30-40 days a year.

Q. What does day-to-day life on the farm look like for you?

A. Right now, it’s watering all of our plants and seedlings we have in our nursery, getting ready to transplant them into the ground. We also do a lot of bush hogging, and of course feeding the chickens is a big part of our day-to-day.

Kolinsky didn’t grow up farming, but he grew up with horses in his backyard and spent much of his time outdoors. He went on to study agriculture leadership at the University of Tennessee. It was no surprise Mitchell connected with Sydney.
Sydney, a construction worker who had some experience on a farm, revealed in the first episode how much she loved hunting and fishing.  If you watched Season 2, you will surely have seen the sparks from the beginning. 

Sydney and Mitchell are still going strong after the cameras stopped rolling and even though Sydney hasn’t made the move from New Jersey to Tennessee, the couple’s bond has only grown stronger and they have spent most of their time together.  In fact, the day after filming, they jumped in the car and drove to Arkansas to go duck hunting.  What could be better?  He had his girl, his labs and his ducks – life is good and love is in the air!

When speaking of the other farmers and their ladies, only time will tell if they will have a happily ever after.  But as for Sydney and Mitchell, we are hoping their yes is forever.

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